A simple command-line tool to merge multiple P3D files.

Latest version (1 year ago)

Latest version

Version 1.2.3

Published (1 year ago)

Basic Usage

The most basic execution of the tool takes 2+ input filepaths, and 1 output filepath:

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d"

Example output:

P3DMerge.exe "C:\SHAR\art\chars\homer_m.p3d" "C:\SHAR\art\chars\h_fat_m.p3d" -o "Merged.p3d"
Inputs: C:\SHAR\art\chars\homer_m.p3d; C:\SHAR\art\chars\h_fat_m.p3d
Output: C:\Redacted\Merged.p3d

Parsing inputs...
Checking: 'C:\SHAR\art\chars\homer_m.p3d'...
Checking: 'C:\SHAR\art\chars\h_fat_m.p3d'...
Merging files into 'C:\Redacted\Merged.p3d'...

Optional Arguments

P3D Merge provides a few optional arguments to change certain functionality. You can use any combination of the below to achieve the desired output.

Note: -append and -overwrite are exclusive, as you can only choose one for the output file.


By default, if the output file exists, you will be presented with a user-input prompt to choose an action:

Output file 'C:\Redacted\Merged.p3d' already exists. Choose an action:

You can use the -append argument to automatically choose the Append option, which will add the chunks from the input files to the existing file:

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -append

Deduplication (Dedupe)

You can use the -dedupe argument to check all chunks in the various input files for duplicates, and only add one of each.

Note: This will only check root chunks, not children.

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -dedupe

No History

By default, the tool will add a History chunk to the start of the output file, with details on the tool's execution (similar to the output you can see in some base game files from p3dcompress).

You can use the -nohistory argument to omit this chunk in the output file.

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -nohistory


By default, if the output file exists, you will be presented with a user-input prompt to choose an action:

Output file 'C:\Redacted\Merged.p3d' already exists. Choose an action:

You can use the -overwrite argument to automatically choose the Overwrite option, which will delete the original file, and rebuild from the input files:

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -overwrite


By default, the tool will close itself upon completion, unless it hits an error.

You can use the -pause argument to wait for user input after execution before closing. Useful if you want to see the tool's output.

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -pause


By default, the tool will add chunks to the output file in the order they were listed in the arguments, and the order they were in the original files.

You can use the -sort argument to sort chunks by their type, and attempting to prioritise chunks as required by Simpsons: Hit & Run. For example, Texture chunks before Shader chunks.

P3DMerge.exe "Path\To\File 1.p3d" "Path\To\File 2.p3d" "Path\To\File 3.p3d" -o "Path\To\Output.p3d" -sort

All versions

Version 1.2.3

Published (1 year ago)

Version 1.2.2

Published (1 year ago)